1. Launch Hoax News Portal with ability for the public to decode & submit hoax news. – Done
2. Launch Hoax News app with features from step #1 – Pending
3. Launch Hoax News rewards, where the users are rewarded with lottery tickets.
4. Social media promotion start.
5. Ability to check Hoax News from the app.
6. Apply for ICFN Certification – The code of principles of the International Fact-Checking Network at Poynter
7. Setting up an API to check hoax news from our repository.
8. Social media integration & partnerships.
9. Volunteer signup, building the largest army of fake news decoders.
10. Setting up social media crawlers to automatically scan for potential fake news and bring this data for review by our volunteers.
11. CSR Partnerships, where corporate can lend the time of their employees to clean up social media and decode fake news.
12. Monetization of the Hoax buster API.
13. Mineable Hoax news token on tron blockchain, community driven hoax news de-coding will reward community members with Hoax news token for de-coding hoax news, every month the revenue from #12 will be used to purchase lottery tickets, the rewards will be paid out to the holders of Hoax news token.